"Everyone has a story, it's my job to bring them to life and make them breathe: Vinum Historia suus MEUM eos vivere faciam spiro" ~ Colvoy

Monday, April 25, 2011


Dear Blog,
It seems that it has been a very long amount of time since i've been able to speak to anyone outside of the studio. Dancing takes over most of my life you see, my tyrant of a father thinks that one day i'll make it as a star in dance to supply him with money for his neverending greed. the last time that Juan mentioned me was when i was 6 or 8, i don't personally remember. i'm 18 now and i live in the states and japan jumping back and forth. music and ballet have become my passion so traveling is my life. Ballet is my secret hideaway from my father, but don't tell him that or he'll make me dance until my feet bleed... literally. i've been good though, lately i've been able to put a leash on my father's hold on my career so everything is slightly better. my hardship of my father from when i was a little girl has fallen off my shoulders a little since i've grown older. so i no longer have the burden of my father since he's toned down a bit. and as i have stated in the past one day he'll just be my father one day and not my owner. so i will keep you posted on my progress later on and in a minute i will post a few pictures of my self during practice in this grassy area in where i train at.

Best Wishes,

Kana <3

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